

Shawn Tomlinson England

3.10.2014, 5.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Findings from the swimming of parents with their children

- open hearts of parents and children´ s feeling of security.

Goal of lecture

The science of waterparenting with an open heart.

Is to look at birthlight work in aquatic natal classes, leading onto newborn aquatic parenting,

Followed by experience in working towards aquatic semi independent movement to independent swimming in partnership with the parent

Content of lecture

  • Birthlight Aqua Natal developments
  • Waterparenting in Newborns
  • Transitioning from reflexes to independent movements
  • The joy of toddler swimming


Birthlight Aquatic Tutor and Neuro Physiological Therapist Therapist INPP trained - Shaw Method trained swimming instructor

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Company and working position

Birthlight - Aquatics Tutor

Brief curriculum – professional life

She has been a water baby from birth, swimming in rivers, lakes and sea.

Living in Brasil enabled her to develop a passion for water and water balance.

Discovering birthlight, with its roots deep in the aquatic world of the upper reaches of the Amazon, has truly been an inspiration.

Her work as a Neuro developmental therapist, together with the work of Stephen Shaw, have all added to the breadth and depth of her knowledge.

Her work with birthlight has taken her abroad, to Brasil, Russia, China and Taiwan.

Results of work

Birthlight offer teachers training courses from conception to 3 years old on land and water. The water side includes: Aquanatal yoga, baby swimming, toddler swimming and special baby swimming.

Francoise Freedman, director and founder of Birthlight, is the author of several books including ‘Aqua Yoga ‘and ‘Water babies’ which have been translated in various languages. She has also produced a DVD.

Interests and hobbies

Water and movement are her passions.